Use caseStreamlining Skill and Competency Upgrades Using Talent Sphere

Streamlining Skill and Competency Upgrades Using Talent Sphere

As learning and development programs become more crucial for business growth, organizations that initially perceived these activities as “good to have” are now considering them as “must have” initiatives.”

However, there are multiple challenges associated with the implementation of a successful employee upskilling program. From determining training needs to measuring the impact of training, a lot of processes need to be streamlined, and this is where Akrivia HCM’s Talent Sphere can chip in.

What is Talent Sphere ?

Powered by Machine Learning, “Talent Sphere” is a recently introduced feature by Akrivia HCM. It is meant to extract talent insights and focus on the skills and competencies required for effective talent management.

How does it work ?

It brings together information like organizational and individual skills and competencies and intelligently offers training recommendations through diagnostic, descriptive, prescriptive, and predictive analytics. Helping in career growth and learning management, Talent Sphere, when integrated with the learning platform, empowers employees with intelligent recommendations based on their specific skills.

How does it help?

By offering personalized training recommendations, Talent Sphere can align your employees’ career growth with organizational objectives. Career growth also helps with retention and a stronger feeling of job satisfaction in the employee.

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