Introducing People-AI,
Artificial Intelligence Built for HR Teams 

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AI-Powered HR Chatbot

Make Inquiries Easier with
our HR Chatbot, Dhruva!

Our AI HR chatbot provides a conversational interface that helps employees
get instant answers, and simplifies their day-to-day tasks 

Easy to Configure 

Configure the chatbot with your company's policies by simply uploading all your existing documents onto the web portal 

Easy to configure

Simple Navigation 

Employees can apply for leaves, manage attendance, and access payslips - all from one convenient conversation 

Simple Navigation 

Turn Employee Requests Into Tickets 

Simplify employee support by turning conversations into tickets for faster resolution 

Turn employee requests into tickets
AI Video Interviews

Save Time by Auto Screening Multiple Candidates

Conduct unbiased AI-operated video interviews followed by a detailed analysis of each candidate's communication and behavioral skills 

AI Video Interviews
Candidate Shortlisting

Cherry-Pick the Best Candidates for the Job 

Auto-Score Candidates

Auto-Score Candidates 

Our AI-based resume parser scores and ranks candidate applications based on skills required for the job, saving you time and ensuring the best talent rises to the top

Auto-Match Candidates

Auto-Match Candidates 

Automatically match ideal candidates from your existing talent pool to new roles, efficiently while maximizing your talent pipeline 

Get More with People-AI

Automate, Personalize and Pull Meaningful Insights

Job description generator
Job Description Generator 

Craft JD’s That Resonate With Top Candidates 

Our AI analyzes your existing positions, role needs, and industry trends to craft compelling job descriptions that attract ideal candidates 

Training recommendations
Training Recommendations 

Create Unique Learning Paths for Your Employees 

Employees get personalized course recommendations based on individual learning history, skills, competencies, and role 

Employee sentiment analysis
Employee Sentiment Analysis 

Turn Surveys Into Actionable Insights 

Our AI analyzes feedback, pinpointing employee sentiment to guide faster decisions and boost engagement 

Our FAQ’s

Questions? We're Glad you Asked

What is a resume parser?

A resume parser uses OCR to analyze resumes and extract key information like skills, experience, and education. It saves time by organizing resumes and making them searchable for recruiters.

How does an AI resume parser work?

AI parsers combine Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning to understand resume text and format. They identify sections like skills and experience, extracting relevant details for easy comparison.

What is an AI video interview?

An AI video interview uses pre-recorded questions and analyzes candidate responses with facial recognition and voice analysis. It helps recruiters screen large volumes of applicants asynchronously.

What does a job description generator do?

This AI tool uses keywords and job requirements to automatically create compelling job descriptions. It saves time and ensures consistency, attracting qualified candidates.

How does an AI sentiment analysis tool measure employee sentiment?

It analyzes employee communications like emails, surveys, and social media posts to identify emotions and opinions. This helps HR understand employee satisfaction and address potential issues.

What are the benefits of HR chatbots?

HR Chatbots answer employee questions 24/7, automate tasks like onboarding, and provide HR support on demand. They free up HR professionals for more strategic work.

How can sentiment analysis be used in HR?

Sentiment analysis can help HR track employee morale, assess engagement, and identify potential areas of concern. It provides valuable data for improving employee experience and retention.

Let’s Recruit, Reward, and Retain
Your Workforce Together!

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