Standard hours (i.e., the number of hours of paid work everyone in the country should be expected to do from age 16-65) are a reasonable idea that would be desirable for three key reasons: It would end the problem of unemployment and its associated social costs permanently. It would increase total output. It would redistribute income in a more equitable form. Standard hours were implemented during the Industrial Revolution because workers were forced to work 16 hours daily under dire circumstances. To tackle the exploitation of workers, the International Labor Organization mandated the standard hours – considered the standard work hours. The 40-hour work week came to be; workers were expected to work 8 hours a day, 8 hours for recreation and 8 hours of rest.
Almost every corporation worldwide has a standard work week of 8 hours. Some countries, like France, are an exception because they follow a 4-day work week.
An employer specifies the standard work hours before an employee joins the company. A full-time employee’s standard work hours can be between 35 and 40 hours per week. They can be calculated by multiplying the (standard work hours per week) X (the number of weeks in a year—52).
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