Calibration is the process of comparing and discussing the performance of several employees in the same department. Managers meet to discuss performance, ultimately agreeing on common evaluations. Employee performance standards can vary from department to department. Employee performance evaluation should be standardized. This is achieved by comparing one employee’s performance against others working in the same department.
Calibration occurs at the beginning of a process and helps ensure that each manager is appraising performances consistently. Calibration is a helpful way for managers to assess the performance of their employees based on similar criteria for all individuals. It is helpful for a manager, but it also keeps consistency in performance appraisal ratings.
Calibration is an essential part of performance management, as it ensures fair and objective assessments among managers. Calibration ensures that standards are applied consistently throughout the organization.
It helps make the process a common practice, building understanding and buy-in across the organization. The ultimate goal of calibration is to maintain stability in corporate performance.
Calibration works this way:
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