Country: Indonesia

Compliance category: Income Tax

Regulatory Information:

Regulation: Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) Nomor 10 Tahun 2025

Notification date: February 04, 2025


Updates in Compliance:


The Minister of Finance (MoF) of the Republic of Indonesia introduces a Government-borne Article 21 facility as part of the 2025 Economic Stimulus to reduce employees’ tax burden.

Under this facility, Income Tax as per Article 21 of regulation PER 168 Year 2023 computed on employee’s salary income is borne by the Government on behalf employee’s falling under certain criteria.

Effective Date: February 04, 2025

Eligibility Criteria:

The eligibility criteria and reporting mechanism has been summarised below:

Category Eligibility Criteria
  1. Engaged in business in the following industrial sectors:
    • Footwear
    • Textiles and apparel
    • Furniture
    • Leather and leather goods
  2. Engaged in businesses listed in Attachment Letter A of this Ministerial Regulation
    (Refer to the Appendix section of source document for details).
  1. Permanent employees: Includes individuals receiving income regularly, such as members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Supervisors, and employees on fixed-term contracts.
  2. Non-permanent employees: Includes freelance workers earning income based on working days, units of work produced, or task completion as per employer requests.
Employee’s Income
  1. Gross income includes fixed and regular salary allowances for the tax period January – December 2025.
  2. Permanent Employees: Gross income up to IDR 10 million/month.
  3. Non-Permanent Employees: Gross income up to IDR 10 million/month or IDR 500,000/day for daily/weekly/unit-based earnings.
Other Requirements
  1. Employees must have a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) and/or Population Registration Number (NIK) registered with the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration and integrated into the Directorate General of Tax Administration system.
  2. Employees must not have received any other Government-borne Article 21 Income Tax incentives as per existing tax laws and regulations.


Employers are obliged to pay out to employees the Government borne Article 21 income tax in the form of cash and report the same to Government by submission of Notification Letter for the Article 21/26 Income Tax Period pertaining to tax period January to December 2025 before January 31, 2026.

Our Analysis:

This tax incentive plays a strategic role in strengthening Indonesia’s economy by supporting specific businesses.

By covering Income Tax Article 21 incentive for eligible workers, the government reduces labour costs for employers, encouraging them to expand operations and create more jobs.
This not only helps increase employment opportunities but also strengthens business stability and keeps vital industries running smoothly. Ultimately, the policy aims to support workers, drive industrial growth, and sustain Indonesia’s economy.

About the Team

This statutory update is prepared by the Global Payroll Compliance Team, comprising seasoned professionals with expertise in international tax laws, social security regulations, and employment legislation. The team is dedicated to monitor and interpret complex legislative changes in every country where we operate. They work diligently to implement necessary updates in our payroll systems, provide guidance on compliance-related matters.

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