Home Recruitment


by Team Akrivia HCM

Introduction Data-driven recruiting has changed the hiring game! The traditional recruiting methods …

by Team Akrivia HCM

Finding the right candidate in today’s competitive job market is no less …

by Team Akrivia HCM

Recruitment is a demanding and time-intensive task, often presenting various challenges for …

by Team Akrivia HCM

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making great strides in the field of Human …

by Team Akrivia HCM

For organizations embarking on the journey of recruitment for new team members, …

by Team Akrivia HCM

“Great things in business are never done by one person. They are …

by Team Akrivia HCM

Recruitment management is a critical organizational function, dedicated to attracting and acquiring …

by Team Akrivia HCM

In a highly competitive corporate landscape, it is not easy to find …

by Team Akrivia HCM

Employee turnover is a costly business! Replacing an employee costs anywhere between …

by Team Akrivia HCM

In today’s dynamic job market, the power has increasingly shifted to candidates, …

by Team Akrivia HCM

Artificial Intelligence is one of the cutting-edge emerging technologies that attracted much …

by Team Akrivia HCM

Every business needs efficient employees to overcome the challenges of an unpredictable …

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Enterprise SaaS on the cloud to engage your human capital from Hire to Retire.